Inspiration tips
This week I’m taking a train trip out of London. I find a long train journey is one of the best times to get inspiration. It’s made me think about places and spaces that help me generate ideas.

Here are my top 5 tips for being inspired
1. Step away from the desk. Put down that device
I know we all do it but filling our heads with stuff and distractions is not going to allow space for ideas to flourish. Also staring at a blank page is not going to make it any less blank.
2. Go somewhere else. Take a walk. Take a journey
Being in nature is good for our health and well-being. Being somewhere else shakes us out of our routine.
3. Do something boring
Contrary to popular belief, boredom is not a negative state. It’s good for creativity. Yes kids, boredom is good for you. (Mann, S., & Cadman, R. (2014). Does being bored make us more creative? Creativity Research Journal, 26(2), 165–173.
4. Be a sponge
Soak up interesting and creative experiences including books, films, plays, concerts or exhibitions. These things seep into our subconscious and help us to form new ideas. Take pictures. Keep notes.
5. Do something unusual
Upset the algorithm of life. Go somewhere you’ve never been before. Try an activity that you wouldn’t normally do. For me, I seek anything that is different to my normal lived experience.